Saturday, February 20, 2010

Dubai Shopping Festival Eight Days More to Go

Dubai Shopping Festival or DSF is a 32 day annual festivities that one should never miss! For Pinoys who are trying to look for any job opportunities, it's the best time to go to Dubai.

This year's event was participated in by over 6000 retail outlets and 40 malls that would run for 32 days and will culminate on 28th February.

The great thing I love on this amazing annual shopper's funfare is that, you will get to know more about UAE's culture and heritage. A whole lot more of wholesome family entertainment, carnival shows,Performances, The Global Village, Jewellery, Night Souq, Family Camp, Dubai Malls, Talents, Yowla, Raffles, Competition, among others are what should everyone expect for.

Of course, everyone looks forward to the spectacular discount offers from all the participating retail outlets that displayed everything from gold, perfumes, haute couture, cars, electronics, handicrafts and more. Restaurants, hotels and bars including airlines are also giving special rates.

Dubai is known around the world as a shopping paradise, emerging from the seven emirates in the UAE. DSF or "Layali Dubai' has very well served its purpose on its theme "One World, One Family, One Festival" in promoting Dubai to the world.

Ahlan. (Arabic word which means WELCOME.)
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